
This benchmark suite is intended as a tool for Java benchmarking by the programming language, memory management and computer architecture communities. It consists of a set of open source, real world applications with non-trivial memory loads.

The initial release of the suite was the culmination of over five years work at eight institutions, as part of the DaCapo research project, which was funded by a National Science Foundation ITR Grant, CCR-0085792. A further three years of development went into the 2009 release. The third release took a further fourteen years. That work was been funded by the ANU, the Australian Research Council and a generous donation from Intel. Since then, development has continued at ANU with support from Oracle and Google.

Our suite evolves to maintain its relevance. It is therefore essential that you cite the version number associated with the release in any use of the benchmark, and as a courtesy to the developers, we ask that you please cite the paper from OOPSLA 2006 describing the suite:

Blackburn, S. M., Garner, R., Hoffman, C., Khan, A. M., McKinley, K. S., Bentzur, R., Diwan, A., Feinberg, D., Frampton, D., Guyer, S. Z., Hirzel, M., Hosking, A., Jump, M., Lee, H., Moss, J. E. B., Phansalkar, A., Stefanovic, D., VanDrunen, T., von Dincklage, D., and Wiedermann, B. The DaCapo Benchmarks: Java Benchmarking Development and Analysis, OOPSLA ‘06: Proceedings of the 21st annual ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-Oriented Programing, Systems, Languages, and Applications, (Portland, OR, USA, October 22-26, 2006) (pdf, bibtex).


  • November 8, 2023 14 years since our last major release, we are very pleased to announced the release of dacapo-23.11-chopin.

    The release includes:

    • New latency metrics, capturing user-experienced tail latencies for eight request-based workloads and jme, a rendering workload.
    • Integrated benchmark characterization metrics which capture defining attributes of each workload.
    • Eight new benchmarks: biojava, cassandra, graphchi, h2o, jme, kafka, spring and zxing.
    • A complete overhaul of the trade benchmarks, replacing geronimo with wildfly.
    • Full updates of all existing benchmarks, bringing them up to date with latest stable versions.


Current Sponsors and Contributors



Past Sponsors and Contributors

ANU U Colorado Purdue U. U. Texas U. Mass UNM

IBM Intel